Legend header:

Legend footer:

Legend mode:

Expand mode:

Row count:

Col count:

Predefined style:

Manual items:
This example demonstrates basic features of the Nevron Chart integrated legend.
From the Legend mode combo box you can choose how to feed the data to the legend. In Disabled mode the legend will not appear. When you set the legend mode to Automatic the legend will present the data according to the displayed series. In Manual mode you can feed the data displayed by the legend manually by using the Manual items combo.
The Header and Footer text boxs control the header and footer applied on the the legend.
The Expand mode combo controls how the legend expands when you add new items – when set to “Rows only” the legend will add new rows and will not add new columns regardless of how many items you’ve added. The “Cols only” mode is similar except that it will instruct the legend to expand by adding new columns.
The “Rows fixed” and “Cols fixed” mode allow you to control the maximum number of rows or columns respectively displayed by the legend. When the data items are more than the specified limit the legend will add new columns or rows until it displays all the data.
The Predefined style combo positions the legend in the control window and sets the expand mode to the most appropriate value for the current position. For example when you set the style to Bottom the legend will automatically configure itself to expand horizontally (by adding columns). You can of course later modify the expand mode.